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Re: new quiz for tuesday

Why can I never answer any of the questions in any of the quizs?

Re: new quiz for tuesday

Well, I'm not sure it's you. This one might be sort of a weird quiz. It is admittedly sort of random.

Re: new quiz for tuesday

Wow!! Tough-a-rooney quiz laura!!! But very interesting. Prescription:Murder Columbo describes a modern coffe table that his sister-in-law(?) has.
and in Exercise in Fatality he says to Milo that his grandfather had the same exact cabinet with the mirrors.

#6..he painted his birdhouse red. This was from Short Fuse...and he says that if you made a birdhouse in wood shop class and painted it red you automatically got an A

#10..Beth Chadwick in Lady in Waiting, Elizabeth Van Wyck in Playback, Colonel Rumsford in By Dawn's Early Light, Jarvis Goodland in The Greenhouse Jungle, Janice Benedict in Etude in Black....that is only 5 of the 6 you asked for.

Bonus question..
B..Death Lends a Hand..('you take a potato...')..don't know the other one.

Re: new quiz for tuesday

I'll chase after #3. In Agenda for Murder, smoke is a major complaint by the secretary because Oscar Finch smoked a cigar in his own office (to set himself up with an allibi that Senator Mackey was actually in his office the previous evening).

Second Scenario: "Caution - Murder Can Be Hazardous to Your Health." Wade Anders leaves a ton of cigarettes to make it look like the victim 'smoked' himself to death when actually he only smoked one - laced with nicotine sulfate.

Re: new quiz for tuesday

Excellent answers so far. Cassa, you are right on every count so far. That is the reference to why he became a cop that I remembered, too--I really hope I am not just dreaming that there is another one, too.

Fred, excellent responses, and I have to confess that I was not even thinking about the ABC episodes when I wrote that question. So now that you have already answered it correctly, I am challenging others to also come up with two references to smoky rooms in the original, NBC episodes.

Excellent start, you guys.

Re: new quiz for tuesday! teacher! (*raises hand wildly to get the teacher's attention!!*)
the smoked filled room thingy.....was one of them in candidate for crime when hayward says he has to hide his cigar smoking because all the business of politicians in smoked filled rooms is not a good image???

Re: new quiz for tuesday

Excellent Cass! You get a gold star!

Re: Re: new quiz for tuesday

The other smoke filled room reference comes in "Murder By the Book," when Columbo is having his first conversation with Mrs. Ferris.

Re: Re: new quiz for tuesday

Cass, I bet you did that in school to get the teacher's attention for real. Especially if you liked the way he looked and dressed .....

Re: new quiz for tuesday

Buckeyes, you got the other one--it was Mrs. Ferris! Nice work! Sorry I didn't see your response before. I hadn't refreshed my screen, and all I saw was Cassa's response.

Fred, you and Cassa are going to earn a detention if you can't stop teasing each other in class.

Re: new quiz for tuesday

we're sorry miss laura...

and fred...i went to catholic there were no male teachers...mostly just nuns!!

Re: new quiz for tuesday

Here's a hint for questions 4 and 8. In each case, the answer I am looking for (fruit or gift) occurs in two episodes.

Re: new quiz for tuesday

Does the answer to #9 involve champagne?

Re: new quiz for tuesday

yes indeed.

Re: new quiz for tuesday

#4..the fruit thingy...i'm thinking strawberries..murder by the book..ken franklin and that lucious red scene with lily la sanka...but i can't think of another strawberry one...

Re: new quiz for tuesday

Perhaps the fruit question should be rephrased to ask which fruit murderers are most likely to share with others.

Re: new quiz for tuesday

Cass, i typed that before i saw your response. You are on the trail....

(I really hope I didn't misview this one.)

Re: new quiz for tuesday

.....hmm...then i'm thinking grapes...??

Re: new quiz for tuesday

No, no, no....You were right the first time!!!

Re: new quiz for tuesday

oh...ok!! i didn't understand...sorry!
can't think of another episode though right now...

Re: new quiz for tuesday

no problem, cass. some of these are probably a little random and irrelevant for an actual quiz. they are just little details and connections i saw and found interesting. i'll post the answers tomorrow if nobody else wants to guess.

Re: new quiz for tuesday

i'll try half of #7..columbo speaks negatively about his body in now you see him..when he says to santini that his hands are too small to be able to do the card tricks.

Re: new quiz for tuesday

Excellent answer, Cassa!

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Re: new quiz for tuesday

trying something. i made dog smaller.

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Re: new quiz for tuesday

Okay, here are the answers to the quiz. I think.

1. Name the first thing Ken Franklin does that lets the viewer know he does not play by the rules.

In the opening sequence of the movie, we see Ken Franklin entering the parking structure through the "Exit Only" ramp.

2. Describe two pieces of furniture in the (immediate and extended) Columbo family.

Cassa got this one--the kidney-shaped coffee table and the cabinet with mirrors.

3. Name two episodes that mention a room full of smoke. (describe the incidents)

Fred gave two examples from the ABC episodes (Oscar Finch's office and the implication of smoking left by Wade Anders)--and Cassa and buckeyes got the two NBC examples (the "smoke-filled room" cliche mentioned by Nelson Hayward and Mrs. Ferris's first conversation with Columbo at the water fountain).

4. Name the most popular fruit for murderers to give to others. Support your answer with examples.

Cassa got one of these. Ken Franklin woos Lily LaSanka with fresh strawberries. I believe Dexter Paris gives Mrs. Peck strawberry tarts to take to her sister's house.

5. Name the episode in which Columbo litters.

In "Prescription Murder," Columbo opens an ice cream bar while stalking Joan Hudson outside the studio and lets the paper fall to the ground.

6. What color does Columbo claim to have painted his birdhouse, and why?

Cassa got this one. He painted it red to get an A in wood shop.

7. Name an episode in which Columbo speaks negatively about his body, and name a different episode in which he speaks positively about his body.

Cassa got half of this, citing Columbo's comment that his hands are too small to do card tricks. He also complains of being out of shape in "Exercise and Fatality." He praises his feet, specifically his exceptional arch, in "Double Shock."

8. What is a popular gift, it seems, to give murderers in celebration of important events? Support your answer with details.

Murderers seem to enjoy lighters as gifts. Dr. Collier lets Columbo borrow the lighter he received from his sister for his medical school graduation, and General Hollister lets Columbo use the lighter he received from his staff on his retirement from the service.

9. Name the link between "Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star" and "Murder by the Book."

E got this one. Both episodes include the important clue of a champagne cork.

10. Name six people with whom Columbo has an interaction that includes either a mention of growing flowers or a gift of a flower.

Cassa got five of the six.

i. Beth Chadwick hands Columbo a flower when she tells him to go away after he shows her the impression of the key in the flowerpot.

ii. Elizabeth Van Wyck offers Columbo a flower for his wife.

iii. Col. Rumford talks about growing white roses at home.

iv. Jarvis Goodland talks about growing orchids and not being able to save Mrs. Columbo's african violet.

v. Janice Benedict talks about growing lapel flowers.

vi. Columbo asks for a memento, and Nora Chandler allows him to take a flower from the base of the fountain that doesn't run.

Bonus Questions:

A. Name a factual error in a plot description in The Columbo Phile. Bonus points if you can name a second instance (although the one I am thinking of is more unfortunate wording than an actual error).

i. The book says that Marcus Collier goes out to the beach house hoping to reason with Nadia Donner's husband. Unless there is a scene I am missing due to Bravo's enthusiastic editing of the episodes, Nadia actually asks him to meet her there for a tryst, and he does not expect her husband to be there.

ii. The plot description of "Lady in Waiting" talks about Bryce Chadwick coming through a window rather than a sliding glass door. Actually, the description does clarify that it is a full-length window; however, it later makes mention of how Bryce would have had grass on his shoes after "climbing through" the window, which sounds like an error in wording to me.

B. Name two episodes in which Columbo talks about why he became a cop.

Cassa got the first one. I swear there is another, but I can't remember it now. Maybe I dreamed it.