The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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uneasy lies the episode..

..well, new to me anyway.
i finally got to see this for the first time yesterday on the biography channel. it didn't start out so good because the channel was having technical problems and there was no sound, so the first 20 minutes or so i had to read the closed captioning. (interesting way to watch tv.)

i puroposely did not search for any previous comments here on this forum (no, headache, not even yours.
)about the episode because i wanted to just say what i thought about it without being influenced by previous posts.(but as soon as i'm done here i'm going to browse around and see what people have said. )

ok........i liked it a lot. i didn't know much about the episode. going by the title, i always thought it had something to do with royalty!! i soon found out i was waaaaaaaaaaaaay off!!
i think peter did a great job, and i thought he kept himself in check, and didn't go too over the top as i feel he does in some later episodes.
james read, who i had never seen or heard of before, did a good job as wesley.
just a few comments...
i loved when columbo telephones wesley, wanting to meet somewhere and he suggests barney's beanery!! and then wesley poo-poos that and suggests some posh bar! that cracked me up!!
another part that gave me a chuckle is when peter goes to the other dentist and he is talking about the case and the dentist says "it's not bad enough we have to be dentists, now we have to be murderers too!" i busted out laughing!! truthfully, i have no idea what he means, but i just found it such an absurdly hilarious thing to say!!
the scene with the 'famous' poker players was cute. a bit silly, but still a bit fun.

i found it a bit odd that when columbo asks a uniformed cop for a match, the cop gives him the matches they found on the body! um...isn't that evidence???

oh!! and now i finally got to see the whole 'bluing' thingy! there have been several threads about bluing in the past and since i never saw this episode before i didn't know why people were talking about bluing.

on the whole i think it was a good episode and i really liked it quite a bit. the plot was interesting and i thought the clues were good too.

(and headache, i don't remember what you have said about this episode in the past, but i want you to know that i gave a newer episode a chance and i actually enjoyed it quite a bit. )

Re: uneasy lies the episode..

oh!! i forgot something.
i was watching the episode with my son, and i made a comment to him concerning the ten dollars that columbo puts on wesley's desk to pay for a bet at the track. i said to my son that ten dollars is a bit out of character for columbo, and that i was disappointed that the writers would have columbo putting that much money out. BUT then it turns out that he only wanted to pay for a 2 or 5 dollar bet!!!

Re: Re: uneasy lies the episode..

Cass, I'm so happy for you. I too liked this episode a lot. I'll post more on it when I get to that point in my series of watching them. But I'm glad you enjoyed it

Re: uneasy lies the episode..

Congratulations on viewing one of the newer episodes, Cassa! I enjoyed "Uneasy" also. However, the scene with the celebrities grates on me. But that's all I'll say about that. I'm just happy you were able to see a new one.

And how about the just released info from TVShowsonDVD that the ABC movies are (possibly) about to start being released this April. Lucky you!

Re: uneasy lies the episode..

thanks guys. i feel really weird though because i consider myself a fairly good fan of columbo, and it's a little strange (and fun!!) to see a whole new aspect of the show that i have never seen before. i feel kind of lucky in a way that i have all these "new" episodes to explore. and now hearing that the abc episodes are going to be released, i'm doubly excited. of course i will be buying them, and i look so forward to experiencing each episode.

after i made my original post, i did check this forum's past discussions on this episode, and i see how it is not considered one of the best by most people. headache, i saw how you weren't too thrilled about it and put it with the likes of 'no time to die' and 'undercover' but it's ok. that's why i didn't want to look at the comments before i watched it or made a post about it. i enjoyed it for what it was worth to me and i thought it was pretty good. now all i have to do is wait till april!!

Re: uneasy lies the episode..

I liked the murder plot and the investigation in this episode, but I always thought the ending was a little lame. I never would have confessed unless I was absolutely sure there really was evidence there. And how could Columbo have known that Corman would have said "Don't bother"? Maybe if he would tricked Corman by actually dyeing the teeth blue his confession would have been more believeable.

Re: uneasy lies the episode..

Dying the actual tooth blue would be tampering with evidence, and Columbo wouldn't go that far, and the ME would not have let him.

His tossing the pearl into the umbrella in London was pushing the envelope!