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Re: Yes!

I am now reading Lying on the Couch by Irvin D Yalom. Yep, it is a psychotherapy book, but is set in a fictional setting, and think not just those interested in the field of psychotherapy could read it. It does show the humane side of therapists, that can so easily be forgotten about.

Re: Read any good books?

I'm reading a fun book called the dragonbone chair. It's got trolls in it, so you know it's good.

Re: Read any good books?

Junkpunk--that sounds familiar. who is it written by?

I just scored a whole trunk full of books from a yard sale today! The "invisible bookstore" is growing! Now I just have to stop getting distracted (and reading them) when I'm suppose to be inputting them...

Re: Read any good books?

Following meeting Lorna Byrne yesterday, I am now reading her book Angels in my Hair. It is an enjoyable reading so far - included in the book is a prayer to the angels to ask them to be with me, lol

Re: Read any good books?

I read Janet Evanovich's "Finger Lickin' Fifteen" a couple weeks ago - OMG is it funny! Probably one of the funniest in her Stepheny Plum Series! It took me all of 5 hours to read (aka: gobble up) and I didn't want it to end. It was like one long LOL moment!!!

Re: Read any good books?

Whoops - I was reading today on my lunch break, and lost track of time, and then realised I only had 5 mins to get back to the office. I was back on time, but I like to leave more than "just" the time I need, so am not breathless etc when I am back at work. The joys of being a bookworm - get lost in the book, literally

Re: Read any good books?

You have no idea how often that has happened to me Orna...
Or I stay up past my bedtime saying "I just want to finish this chapter" then the next thing I know it's 3 a.m. and I'm finishing the book...I love that feeling though, I really do!

Re: Read any good books?

I have done those same things more times than I can count. LOL!

Orna: At work, I always loved it when someone would ask me why I was out of breath when I returned from lunch and then to tell them that I had been reading and let it hang like that. The looks were always great. :0)

Laiste, you are right, staying up to finish a book is a great feeling. But I'm a night-owl anyway and I end up pushing it until the sun starts to peak over the horizon. LOL!

Re: Read any good books?

I just finished reading Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke. Set in 19th-century England, it is based on the premise that magic once existed in England and has returned with two men: Gilbert Norrell and Jonathan Strange. Excellent read!

Liz Chernov

Favorite Froud Book? Runes of Elfland

Re: Read any good books?

I am reading The Myth Hunters by Christopher Golden. I love it! I had to stop halfway through and read this month's selection for my book club (which was also a good book called Miss Julia Speaks her Mind). I picked it right back up again. It's the first book in a series, so that makes me happy! More here:

Re: Read any good books?

Right now I'm reading "Alpabet of Thorn," by Patricia A. McKillip. It has been a good read so far. Really usual ideas about the study and power of language in a fantastical world.

Favorite Froud Book? Runes of Elfland

Re: Read any good books?

I was getting kinda desperate for a good book and I sooo didn't feel like going to the library, so I started hunting around and found a book that a friend had given me "to read whenever you get the chance". It's really good, despite being an Oprah's Book Club Choice once upon a time - I hate trends. lol! It's "The Poisonwood Bible" by Barbara Kingsolver and so far... I'm 3/4 of the way through... I'm pleasantly surprised. I love a good book!!! :0)


Re: Read any good books?

I am currently reading Violet Flame by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Is more of a little notebook, as is about half the size of most books, and only 100 pages, but is useful. It talks about invoking the violet flame, and what it can be used for. I use it myself in my reiki sessions, but is always nice to read on other ways things like this can be used for.

Re: Read any good books?

Right now, I'm reading Life of Pi. It's our book club selection for August. I am enjoying it so far!

Re: Read any good books?

Right now, I'm reading Life of Pi. It's our book club selection for August. I am enjoying it so far!

Oh, I read that years ago Cori. It is a true classic IMHO.

Re: Read any good books?

Good, Orna! I trust your judgment. It's one of those "Books That Everyone Should Read." I'm kind of embarrassed that it took me this long to pick it up, considering I have an English degree...

Re: Read any good books?

I'm reading a fun book called the dragonbone chair. It's got trolls in it, so you know it's good.

I've read this whole trilogy and man is it good! Excellent writing, characters, and storyline. I highly recommend it.

Re: Read any good books?

I also highly recommend Jonathan Stroud's The Bartimaeus Trilogy beginning with The Amulet of Samarkand. It's a children's series, but very good. It's about a young boy and a djinni. Note to all the footnotes! They're hilariously funny.

Re: Read any good books?

I am currently reading Many Souls, Many Bodies by Brian Weiss, and am loving it

Re: Read any good books?

I am now reading another book by Irvin D. Yalom - The Gift of Therapy - an open letter to a new generation of therapists and their patients.

It is quite basic in one way, but as someone who has studies psychotherapy, a lot of it very often is easier said than done, as it does take practice.

Re: Read any good books?

I am now reading "One Last Time" by John Edwards - and am loving it

Re: Read any good books?

I just finished reading The Little Country by Charles de Lint - awesome book! I highly recommend it to EVERYONE! I can't wait to find/read more of his books!!! However, I fear that none will stand up to this one; it was just that good. :)

I also want to thank Laiste for sharing it with me! *muah* you rock!

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Read any good books?

yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I would have to say that most of his books are that good. I've really enjoyed his short story collections when I was riding the bus to work. I could go off into an urban fantasy world for the commute and return with the end of the story in time to get to work (for most of them)

Favorite Froud Book? Oracle

Re: Read any good books?

I am currently reading The Art of Psychic Protection by Judy Hall - she also mentions in the book how as a Sagitarius she often suffers from foot in the mouth disease, something as a fellow Sagi I know only too well

Re: Read any good books?

Bernard Cornwell's Saxon Quadrilogy [fifth book just came out.

1. The Last Kingdom
2. The Pale Horseman
3. Sword Song
4. The Lords of the North

Favorite Froud Book? I love them all!

Re: Read any good books?

Hi Froudians,

Enter a World of Magic

Visit an alternate world of pure imagination ...


Praise for Daniel Williamson: `Wow! What a journey, this author has talent. You can visualise, feel and almost 'smell' the charged atmosphere. His clever use of language is refreshing. I admit sometimes I got a bit lost, but then the author cleverly points you in the direction - HE wants you to go, then miraculously it all falls into place ... the speed picks up, adding goosebumps to the adrenalin already gripping the reader.' --edwards.edit

Press release: `Since its inception, Williamson's book has attracted international exposure, providing honest `real-time' critique. This is creative democracy at its best, giving the power of choice back to the people, and allowing authors invaluable feedback from potential readers.
Staying true to New Zealand's pioneering spirit Williamson has created a press-ready novel, complete with interior illustrations and cover. The distinctive, full-colour cover which he personally illustrated brings the time-honored elements of craftsmanship to his literary work.' --worthyofpublishing

Product Description

Charon, avid explorer, treasure seeker and part-time mercenary embarks on a doomed quest, which leads him deep into uncharted territory. Driven there by an insatiable hunger for glory he awakens an ancient evil.
A magical fiend is born, a terrible shape-shifter who can shed its skin like an insect each time it claims a host. It is a scavenger of souls, spreading death like a parasite as it lives and feeds on the corpse-rind of the world.
The entire world is doomed. All hope is lost - or so it seems ...

‘Daniel Williamson’s book ‘Magician, Man and Beast’ is a good read. His characters are well formed, especially Charon, the main character. I immediately related to his struggles and passionate nature.
I find Daniel’s writing quite poetic, some lines required me to pause for a moment, and absorb what I’d just read … a talent in itself.
His engaging style of writing, reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe, but with a fresh new voice, this comparison is a compliment to Daniel. He has a certain grace of language which I enjoy greatly.
Daniel’s storytelling ability keeps the reader engaged and thinking, all the way through.
I highly recommend this book to any fantasy lover.’ --Susan Edwards, Dip.Editing NZIBS

Favorite Froud Book? The World of the Dark Crystal

Re: Read any good books?

I am currently reading Reiki for the Heart and Soul: The Reiki Principles as Spiritual Pathwork by Amy Rowland.

Re: Read any good books?

I just finished Ahab's Wife (aka: Star Gazer) and I found it thoroughly enjoyable. I highly recommend it for those who want to enjoy the beauty of the written word and a very interesting story. :)

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Read any good books?

I am currently reading Hands of Light by Barbara Ann Brennan - is a fascinating read.

Re: Read any good books?

I am currently reading a fab book. It is Path of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak. It is channelled from the Pleiadians.

Re: Read any good books?

Ooh I read Bringers of the Dawn by her years ago. It was a fascinating read. I really enjoyed the idea of 13 dimensions and multidimensional just made sense to me at the time (her's was the first book I read that introduced that idea!).

I'm currently re reading Moonheart by deLint. Feeling the need to relax and get away from things....

Re: Read any good books?

Do comicbooks count? I believe there are ones that transcend the stereotype. Y the Last Man is one I enjoyed quite well.

Re: Read any good books?

I'm currently enjoying the book, Lady of Avalon in the Avalon series by Marion Zimmer Bradley.

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Read any good books?

Peter Ackroyd's Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem was my last really good read. It's set in Victorian times and is very well written.

I also enjoyed reading Meeting Coty by Ruth Estevez.

I'm about to make my annual journey to Middle Earth by re-reading The Lord of the Rings which I think is one of the most beautiful and incredible stories ever.

Favorite Froud Book? All of them

Re: Read any good books?

Right now, I am on the fourth book of the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning.

According to Moning's website: "The Fever books are dark, gritty, first-person mystery / suspense / thrillers with a healthy dose of eroticism, set in an urban fantasy world in Dublin, Ireland featuring sidhe-seer MacKayla Lane."

Loving the series so far.

Re: Read any good books?

Recently I have read:

What is Lightbody by Tashira Tachi Ren

An Ascension Handbook by Tony Stubbs

How to See Your Angels: A Guide to Attracting Heavenly Beings that Help, Heal and Inspire by Theresa Cheung

The Book of LIfe: Ascension and the Divine World Order by Michael Sharp

Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self by Sanaya Roman

and am currently reading:

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance by Sanaya Roman

Re: Read any good books?

Recently I have read:

A new light on Angels by Diana Cooper

Stairways to Heaven by Lorna Byrne

Soul Love by Sanaya Roman

I am currently reading

The Complete Ascension Manual by Joshua Stone.

Re: Read any good books?

i have been reading these amazing books all about feys and how dangerous
they can be, ive just finished reading the latest one. The first one is "the 13 treasures" the second one is "the 13 curses" and the latest one is "the 13 secrets"
the author is Michelle Harrison and i was watching an interview and she was saying that she was introduced to the work of Brian Froud and its what inspired her tho make the faeries in this book dark.

Favorite Froud Book? good faeries bad faeries

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