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Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Great installment Spriggan! I also love our use of the Oracle Cards in the story. I think the final confrontation between Migina and Ivy is very near -- maybe this next installment?

Love and Light,


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hiya Dragonfly,

Sorry to hear about your disc problems. Sounds very ouchy. I like your motto :) I hope the kidney stone does pass soon.

It can be tough having chronic pain or illness and then getting another illness on top of it. For me I find that I get by functioning in the world with the spinal injury as I'm now used to it (the accident happened 7 years ago) then when something else happens on top of that it really knocks me around.

Take care my friend. I hope that you recover quickly and well. Sending more healing vibes your way

Love and (((hugs)))


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi Laiste,

Love the latest! I had forgotten how engrossed I get in this story. I will do a short installment if no one minds. I have a 4-day weekend this week, plus I get off work 4 hours early on Wednesday... YAY!


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi Cori,

Glad you liked it I hope all is happy and well with you.



Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi all! sorry I'm late to the party!

I haven't read it yet, so I decided not to read the comments past your's, Spriggan. I'll read it tonight. :) I'm sorry about your eye and the concussion! I hope you feel better! I've had a couple of those (both of those - lol - all resulting from weird happenstance) and they're not any fun! I do however, enjoy the "looks" you mentioned.. sometimes its as if they think you've been in a brawl. LOL! Just say, "If it matters, I won" and they'll quickly turned away. LOL!

Ok, I can't wait to read the next segment - I'll post more when I do. :)

Much love,

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi again!

I LOVED IT!!! Awesome job, Spriggan! I loved the use of the cards in the story! Brilliant!

If no one else has the desire to go next, I'll take a shot at it. :) I would like to reread the whole story again and then proceed. Maybe even toss some ideas off you all before the final battle, but I have this vision (have had it for a while, actually) of the final throw-down and would like to try and write it ...if no one objects?

Heck, I had a crazy thought - maybe we should each write our own versions and then decide as a group which one we'd like to use - or use parts of each??? But that might be asking too much? LOL! It was just a passing fancy. :)

Ok, well, I'm off to bed now but let me know if I should proceed? Or if anyone else feels inspired to write the next part? I'll try and check back a lot over the next few days. :)

Much love,

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hiya Dragonfly,

Yay! I'm glad you like it How are you?

I'm happy for you to go ahead and start on the battle. I'm also happy to put in my thoughts if you would like to post some ideas on this thread. I was thinking along the same kind of line that maybe we could collaborate on this next bit, but saying that I also think that you would do a fantastic job no matter which way we decide to go.

LOL about the way people look at you when you have a black eye. It definitely gives a person a degree of mystery about them.

The bruising has completely gone now, Yay! Just a couple of little lumps left and my brain is feeling much clearer. Only occasionally getting words wrong when I'm talking to someone but it is no longer like trying to fish words out of mud to have a conversation, if that makes sense.

Have fun with the next bit

I hope all is happy and well with you,



Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?


I say go for it! I think you'll do a fantastic job on the final battle scene.



Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Go for it Dragonfly and have fun with it.

I had a moment of inspiration while reading Spriggan's part...I think that what Atol and his men were sent off to do was to remove all the light from the throne room...
it's just a thought, you can play with it if you want.


Favorite Froud Book? Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

THanks y'all, for the vote of confidence. :) I hope I can live up to your expectations. I'll keep you posted on my progress... but I'll probably start writing in a few weeks. Which will give me time to reread the entire story and make some notes. We're also getting ready to move some of our stuff to Texas in a couple of weeks... We leased a condo there. But after that, I'm going to have a lot of free time to write because I'm going to stay there for a few weeks by myself - a much needed writing retreat. At least, that's what I'm planning on doing with my time. :)

Spriggan, my health has really taken a hit this winter - my back issues are always worse in the winter but am hoping that the warmer/drier climate will help with that. :) My kidneys seem to be a constant issue as well, but I finally got a diagnosis which has relieved my mind but also given me a course of action. So, hopefully, I'll start seeing some improvement there. :)

Well, gotta get back to packing.

Much love,

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?


I've thought about your idea about Atol's assignment... my only concern with him taking the light, is that we've mentioned in the story that Migina is consumed and surrounded by darkness already and if he were to take the remainder of the light would that be feeding her negative energies and thus giving her more power?

Now, if we were to send him to Add light when Ivy and Chip get there, then it could lessen her power. What do you think?


Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

hmm my thought is that Migina is surrounding herself with light to ward off the negative things she's called up that are not "helping" her.
Atol taking the light away at a key moment will leave her open and vunerable to both the negative and positive sides....
but in all reality you can do whatever you want with the was just a thought.

Favorite Froud Book? Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hiya Dragonfly,

I'm so sorry to hear that you have been having such a tough time with your health. I hope the warmer weather brings you some relief and that the new treatment for your kidneys works well and quickly .

There is a part of the story that I think it would be great to revisit and resolve. A while back there was mention of the Shadow and that the rest of the Wilde family was going to stay back at the ranch to capture it. Do you think this would happen at the same time as Ivy (and possibly Chip) are confronting Migina? Or should it be added earlier into the story? What do you think?

I hope your move goes well. I have a very dear friend who lives in Texas, she is living in San Antonio and is really happy there.

Sending you a big ((hug)) and healing vibes


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Very interesting... I'll keep both of your ideas in mind as I read through the story again. There are a lot of unresolved topics that need to be addressed so that's why I'll be taking notes as I read. lol!

Laiste, that makes more sense. thanks for the clarification... it's definitely something I'll let bob around in my head as I read and then start writing. ;)

Spriggan, San Antonio is an awesome city! We stayed almost a week there our last visit - just exploring and such. The condo isn't going to be our permanent residence but a base from which we can explore our options several times a year without encroaching on family. Our goal is to buy land and build. But timing is everything and we're waiting for the prices on land to drop a bit more before we strike. :)Who knows where we'll end up?! We want to explore Hill Country (near San Antonio) as one option - we hear it's beautiful. :) I need to start trying to meet people down there; right now all I have is my honey's family. It would be nice to have some friends to hang out with every once in a while.

Ok, well, gotta start my day.

Much love and blessings!

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?


Hi All! I hope this finds you well!

I've been reading since last night. I'm about 20 pages in out of 65. lol! I've been taking notes and taking my time. :-) I tell you what ladies, we have an awesome story! I have laughed my butt off at times! We've done really well. I'm excited to get started writing, but I want to finish reading it and of course, taking notes so I can tie it all in. We laid some really good ground work right from the start! ...I'm very proud of us!

I have managed to work it out so that I can sit on my balcony, here in Texas, looking out over the canal and read, write and even stay in touch via the internet. I'm very happy here. It's an awesome setting and I have plenty of winged friends to delight in! Not to mention the palm trees and the flowers that are in full bloom! It seems I'm a world away. :)

Well, back to my reading! Love you all muchly!

Anyway, I just wanted to give you an update.

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hiya Dargonfly,

Thanks for the update . I think it's good to take your time

It is a wonderful world that we have created! Have fun reading and writing

I'm so glad to hear that you are happy and settling into Texas, Yay! It sounds lovely there.

Lots of love and 's


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Thanks, Spriggan! This part of Texas is beautiful! Not at all the way I used to picture Texas when someone would mention it. lol! Texas is so huge it has several different climates and regions. Up north in eastern Texas you can find giant evergreen forests and outside San Antonio (you have a friend who lives there right?) there is what they call Hill Country - gorgeous this time of year - or so I hear. I hope to see it for myself in a couple of weeks. Between here and San Antonio they've spread wild flower seeds in the medians and along the roadsides - absolutely the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! It's a blanket of flowers in all different colors and they smell heavenly. I drove with my window down just so I could enjoy the fragrance! :)

Ok, enough out me. I fear I may be repeating myself. LOL!

Lots of love,

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hiya Dragonfly,

It sounds like a magical place, not really how I would have imagined Texas to be. Yup, I have a friend who lives in San Antonio, she has sent me a few photos of the nature reserve near her house and it looks beautiful. I will have to ask her if she has been up to the Hill Country. :)

Love and Hugs


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

hmm my thought is that Migina is surrounding herself with light to ward off the negative things she's called up that are not "helping" her.
Atol taking the light away at a key moment will leave her open and vunerable to both the negative and positive sides....
but in all reality you can do whatever you want with the was just a thought.

Laiste, after reading the whole story again I decided to go with your thoughts on the light. I think it's going to be awesome! lol!

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Dragonfly--do whatever fits and works best for you and have fun doing it!
I can't wait to read this segment...I'm sure it will be awesome!!

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?


It's a good idea and I'm working it into the story. Chip and Ivy are having some issues getting to Queen Magina right now ;) but we just got reinforcements so things should start moving into her court soon! She is one agitated fairy let me tell ya, and in her agitation she's wreaking havoc on the land.

Ok, don't want to give too much away, so I'm going to sign off now. ;)

Much love,

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi there Dragonfly,

Wow! It sounds so exciting! I'm looking forward to reading it

I hope all is happy and well with you.

Luv and Hugs


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi all,

Just wondering if Dragonfly is okay? Is anyone in contact with her via email?

If she has become ill and is not able to write the next section should one of us give it a go?

I hope she is okay.

Love and ((((HUGS))))


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi Spriggan!

I hope this finds you doing well!

Dragonfly is OK (as far as I know). I actually met her IRL a few weeks ago! She said she's working on it still but it also seems that she's got a lot on her plate at the moment.
I'll poke her a bit on FB and see if we can't get her back over onto this forum

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi there Laiste :)

Thanks. I just started to get a bit worried about Dragonfly as she hasn't been around for a while, it's good to hear she is okay

I hope all is happy and well with you.


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

OMGosh, I'm so sorry for worrying you all! I've just been busy - so busy! And I was a little out of sorts for a while, health-wise before leaving for Tx and then the trip and getting settled in down here and now we're planning to go back to Ohio again. EEEK!

But you'll all be glad to know that I haven't forgotten the story - I keep working on it - a little bit at a time... and I'm now afraid of how much I have written. lol!

Soon, I promise. I'll post it soon. :)


Favorite Froud Book? Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi Dragonfly!

I'm really glad to hear that you are okay :)

Wow! It sounds like things have been very busy for you. That must be tough moving and then having to move again soon after. When are you heading back to Ohio?

I hope that your health is improving.

I'm looking forward to reading what you have written, but when you are ready for it to be posted of cause. I'm happy to wait, thank you for the update

Lotsa luv and (((((Hugs)))))


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi All!

I just wanted to give you an update... sorry I've been hogging the story. lol! I just need to revise a couple of parts where I fell out of first person. I should have it up in less than a couple of weeks when I get back to a normal schedule. Right now I'm spending every free minute fixing up our house in order to get it on the market.

I hope this finds you all well.

Much love,

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi there Dragonfly,

Thanks for the update. Sorry it's taken me a while to reply. Have been super busy, actually busy is an understatement...

I hope everything has started falling into place for you and starting to get back to normal and that all is happy and well with you.

Lots a luv


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

No worries, Spriggan!

I've been in the same boat. I have started doing a final edit on what I've written this week so we're getting closer. I had a bit of a snag Sunday in my personal life. A week ago we found out I was pregnant and then I lost it this past Sunday while we were enroute to Tx. We're here now and I'm recovering. I can't wait to try again as soon as we can! :)

Anyway, that's why it's not on here yet. I've been super tired this week due to all of that and been working as I can editing the story. I'll post it as soon as I get it done. ;)

with love,

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi Dragonfly,

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss

Take all the time you need to recover and heal. Don't worry about the story, I'm sure it will be ready when it is meant to be so to speak.

Thinking of you and your partner,

More 's and lots of love,


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Dragonfly- I'm so sad to hear about that. I will never understand why things like this happen to people that would be excellent parents. Maybe it's so you truly appreciate it when it really does happen!
a life time of appreciation....

Many thoughts, love and well wishes to both you and your partner!

and don't stress about the story, you've got a lot on your plate as it is! to echo'll come when it does.

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Thanks for understanding. It's been a rough couple of weeks. What's funny is my honey and I both knew the minute I got pregnant but of course had to wait several weeks for confirmation. We got that and were just allowing ourselves to get excited and then bam... no more baby-to-be. When it happened, I reasoned the same way you did, Laiste. It was a trial run and I learned a lot - things I wouldn't have known otherwise. I also figured out a few things I need to do before we try again.

Life moves on. :)


Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Ok, well good news! I'm putting it up now... if I can find the post on here. lol!

there's one section I might have slipped out of first-person. Frankly, I don't know anymore. lol!

Hope you all enjoy it!
With love,

PS. and sorry it's so long (had to break it into two segments!). There was a lot of ground I wanted to cover - especially the cave, since I do some spelunking now and again. :)

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hiya Dragonfly,

Yay! I've started reading it and am enjoying it, will let you know when I'm finished. It is very exciting :)

I hope you are as well as can be,

lotsa luv


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Ooh great segment there Dragonfly! I love the sent shivers up my spine. who's going to go next?

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?


You already know I love it! Wonderful job, and well worth the wait.

I am okay with whomever wants to go next. I can't work on it this month due to NaNoWriMo.

Love you all!

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

I'm glad you all liked it. So, anyone feeling it?

With love,

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

If nobody else volunteers by the end of November, I will do it. I just can't right now because I am participating in NaNoWriMo.

I can't guarantee how good what I write will be with my stupid pregnancy brain, though.

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

lol, Cori. I was only pregnant for a month and I know EXACTLY what you mean. There should be warnings like those commercials for drugs... and this is your brain on pregnancy. lol! ;)

Favorite Froud Book? The Oracle

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Alrighty. Looks like I am writing the next installment.

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Yay Cori!
Go for it and have fun! I say we try to finish this epic soonish.

Happy Holiday season!

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi there Laiste, Cori and Dragonfly,

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas/New Year.

Have fun with the next installment Cori.

Hopefully 2011 will bring us closer to a conclusion to our story, it will be interesting to see how it turns out.

Much love,


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?


Have fun writing!

Spriggan, Thank you for the holiday wishes! I hope your holidays were merry! In fact, I hope everyone had a very merry christmas and I hope you each have a happy and safe new year!

Much love,

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi im new to the site and don't know anyone yet, but I would be honored if I could help with the story if possible.

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi Dori
I don't see any problem with you joining in (the more the merrier)! As far as I'm concerned.
Have you read it? I suggest you do before committing to it. :)
It's the "Eagle, Wolf and Horse-Chain story" thread.
Feel free to put any comments etc here, as we are trying to keep the story comment free!

Oh and welcome!

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi Dori,

Welcome ! I agree with Laiste, sure you can contribute to the story, reading it first would be the best way to start. At the moment Cori is writing the next segment,when she has posted it if you feel you would like to the write the next part let us know on this thread. As Laiste said this is where we chat about the story and how it is going.

Very best wishes,


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi Laiste, Dragonfly and Cori,

Just a little message to say... Hi how are you all?

Hopefully this year we will finish the story :) Which would be great but I will miss the characters we have created.

I hope all is happy and well with everyone.

Love and ((hugs))


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi Spriggan!!!

I'm not suppose to be on here, since I gave up the internet for Lent...the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak!
Everything is well here in my world. Lots of rain coming out of the sky at the moment (thinking it might be ark building time...). I'm hoping we finish this story this year too. Maybe then we can start to work on a sequel...


Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hi Spriggan!

I hope you had a nice holiday season!!! Things here are going well. We're still traveling a lot between Texas (my significant other's Grandparents aren't doing well) and Ohio. We're still looking for property down there as well. I had a pretty bad kidney stone spell near the end of November and am still recovering. I'm finally feeling more like my old self, but not quite there yet. It will just take time. It's been raining and/or overcast here (Ohio) for what seems like forever. It's making me a little crazy - not seeing the sun and blue skies. I look forward to going back to S.Texas soon.

I too will miss our characters and who knows, maybe we'll do a sequel.

Lots of love,

Re: Re: Re: Anyone interested in writing a chain story?

Hiya Laiste and Dragonfly,

Good to hear that you are both okay. Yay! Did you both have a good Easter break?

For Dragonfly: Sorry to hear about the nasty kidney stones. I hope that you heal quickly and that your partners Grandparents are okay.

Do you both keep a copy of the story on something other than the forum? Just wondering as I noticed they are updating the WOF website and thought they may decide to update the forum as well. It would be horrible to lose all the work we have done. Maybe we should all keep a copy of the story to have a greater chance of keeping it safe?

Has anyone heard from Cori and if she is okay?

I just spent a week up in the Blue Mountains visiting family. It was great to get into the clean mountain air, the air in Sydney is so stifling in comparison.

Sending you all hugs and love,


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