Well, this is cheating, but if you consider the letter of the alphabet, "u," to be the word "you," the answer to the alphabet question would be the two victims in Double Shock (noted in the last quiz) who said "thank you."
I agree with E's answers...and also David's #11, #16 and #19
I know the last thing Jenifer Welles says in Etude is 'K' as in ok...so maybe that applies to #12.
#17 is I believe from Mind Over Mayhem when Professor Nicholson is in the driveway and he calls out his wife's name Margaret.
...and to go along with my 'K' theory I will say the other one for #12 is Edmund..from Try and Catch Me...when he is putting the wills in the safe...he says o'k'. (I think, ok?... )
That is very funny laura because I was thinking the same thing!!! But the one I was thinking of was Bertie from Bye-Bye...he says to Oliver "I'm talking to you!"
It was a good guess Paul...but Mickey Spillane, in Publish or Perish says the thing about the 'window' when he is dictating his novel into the tape recorder..... .....but come to think about it...Clare does say something about the door, doesn't she??