Move to the UK Cass 22nd Aug 3.30pm Channel 5 6th Sep 8.00am & 3.00pm Hallmark WD
Here I come!!!! And you are at it again with that backward date stuff!!
That coming from someone who drives on the wrong side of the road. Crazy Americans WD
.....and I won't even get into that whole "SKedule" "SHedule" thing!!!
Havent seen Etude.... in ages so thanks for the warning. Not going to get involed in arguements but why do you write the date that way. Wonder what way came first? God bless, Matthew
It was mere jocularity and arguing. And I believe the UK way is really the right way...and the original way of writing the date.
I wasnt being serious about the arguement thing. God bless, Matthew
I know you were mat.
This is getting too confusing for me. I need help. God bless, Matthew
Are you talking to me? I looked at what I said..."I know you were mat.".....and I meant I know you were not being serious...I know you were joking. Now I am getting confused too!!