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Re: Song on Columbo movies

Hi Carlotta. I hope you understand that I wasn't scolding you for asking you a recurring question, or for not checking the FAQ -- I just wanted you to know that you have lots of company in enjoying that bit of Columbo music.

I think that the FAQ answer also names a CD or 2 where the CJs' recording can be found.

Re: Re: Song on Columbo movies

Hi Ted, I didn't take offense at your reply. I was annoyed with myself. I'm a tech writer and should know to read all of the documentation before asking questions.

I didn't realize how much the song affected others. But anyone who's lost someone for whatever reason can feel the poor lady's pain as she dances to the song and the slides. I always have a tear or two to spare for that scene.

And then it was cool to recognize the same song in another Columbo episode.

Perhaps you've all discussed before how you can learn of the advancements in technology by watching Columbo movies. We start with the manual typewriter, shag rug, and rotary telephones and arrive up to the latest in technology. And who says that television is junk food for the mind? Someone who never watched Columbo movies, that's who.

Re: Re: Song on Columbo movies

The song is certainly a good one but my question is, Is Vivian holding a pet dog or cat while she listens to the song? I know that she is not dancing.

Re: Re: Song on Columbo movies

I was wondering the same thing! (as i tried shazaming the song).

Re: Song on Columbo movies

And here we are 14 years later (2019) and i was wondering the same thing. Tried to 'shazam' it, but shazam couldn't identify it. Searched w/google, & found *your* query & subseqent answers. I can confirm that that version is very much like the Cowboy Junkies' version... who i hope you've subsequently discovered & liked.

Re: Song on Columbo movies

I came here to find out WHO the singer on this particular recording is.

Re: Song on Columbo movies

Try Dottie West. Her version of “I’m So Lonesome” is as close as I have been able to come to matching that lovely voice on the Columbo episode. 🤷‍♀️

Re: Song on Columbo movies

Thank you!

Re: Song on Columbo movies

No, Cowboy Junkies version is much closer.......but even the Cowboy Junkies version is not as good as the version that is in the two episodes of Columbo. I am assuming that both versions (in the two Columbo episodes) are the same.