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Re: Observation

A terrific observation E, well done. I have been suggesting for a while that the "new" episodes are not really that new anymore, and when I watch some of them, there is an early 90s nostalgia in them. In Agenda for Murder, Columbo is introduced to a fax machine in much the same way as he meets the VCR in Fade into Murder. I therefore tend not to buy into the old/new debate but to see the entire series as one big glorious single whole...and E, your observation gives scientific proof to my theory!!

Re: Observation

i never thought about this before, but it really is true. the 80's and early 90's episodes are very dated already, particularly the hair styles (that infamous 80's "big hair") on the women and that music!

i just love the earlier columbo so much more, before he started playing a caricature of himself. it drives me up the wall when the later columbo exaggerates his new york accent and makes grammatical errors ("i seen it"; "he done it") that the earlier columbo would never have made.

Re: Observation

hey laura!! i still have that big 80's hair!!!