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Re: Luis Montoya's Bullfighting Film

In the 1940's Motalban was nominated for a Mexican Academy award for the film "Santa" in which he played a bullfighter.

???????????? maybe this ??????????

Re: Re: Luis Montoya's Bullfighting Film

I never realized this bit of history about Ricardo Montalblan. I always thought that the clip in "A Matter of Honor" was filmed live and made to look as if it were years ago, similar to Anne Baxter in "Requiem For a Falling Star" dressed up as a man.

Re: Luis Montoya's Bullfighting Film

Interesting. I wonder the same thing every time I see it ... no doubt a young Montalban from some obscure film early in his career, but definitely Montalban, not his sister, and not as far back as 1940.

Re: Luis Montoya's Bullfighting Film

The clip in "A Matter of Honor" showing Ricardo Montalban as a young matador is from the film "Santa" (1943). There's a video on YouTube that shows highlights from it: