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All good things come to an end. Or so they say. AFTN has been around since 1989, first as a fanzine and then making the jump to a website and forum in 2003. We've been through the many ups and down at East Fife in those 12 years but policing the forum has become a giant pain in the ass in recent years. As such, we made the decision not to renew it when it expired.

The forum is no more and will remain as a locked archive until it is eventually deleted by the host. We're looking in to try to save some of the content as an archive.

This is not the end of AFTN though. The site will continue and will be revamped and return in its full glory for the start of the 2016/17 season. Maybe even sooner. There will be a comment sections and possibly even a new, registered forum. Check our Twitter (@aftnwebsite) for all the latest info and we'll also post in on the EFFC memories Facebook page.

Until then, have a last browse here, thanks for all your support over the years, and 'Mon the Fife.



East Fife
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Re: Well done the board

Cambuslang Fifer
I wasn't happy sitting with Rangers fans and camera man who couldnae sit down. Spoillied my day back I haven't been to bayview since the lee murray comment after forfar game.
Was tired travelling from glasgow and to sit with opposite fans is a joke. The stewards should of dealt better.

When you come to bayview you sit with rangers supporters everytime and they go to more games than you so stop moaning and get real

Re: Well done the board

Hendo your making a mockery out of yourself with your comments on this forum. Think before you speak on it and stop being a wee fud. Getting boring with your moaning, yes the rangers fan ticket was a mistake and the club aknowledged that and have asked for facts. Now be quiet, your geen me a sore head.

Re: Well done the board

Felt the organisation of the day went well and hope the club made a few bob from the event. The disappointing feature of the day seemed to be conduct of a few east fife fans who seemed hell bent on causing confrontation with any rangers fans in the home end who were there to see a game of football. I wish fans could be like other sports like rugby where fans can mix and watch a good game rather than show hatred towards anyone not supporting our team. A few people brought along kids which was good to see but they must have been wondering what the hell and wondering if they would come back again. Not really a good image for our club. This scale of a game only happens every few years but if we are looking to the future then lessons will be learnt to improve things. Accept that people wanted to pay money to attend our ground which is hopefully good for the future of our club. Get over the very few negatives and take all the positives from days like this. C'mon the fife

Re: Well done the board

Why are people moaning about fellow East Fife fans complaining about glory hunters sitting in home end? Is it too much to ask that we have our own end to ourselves? I choose to stay away from game as I knew due to club fucking up with ticket sales that it was going to be a circus and I wouldn't have been able to handle bigots from Levenmouth celebrating right in front of me.

Next game give us a 1000 tickets and sell them via a voucher scheme from previous home matches then we won't have this problem. Fair play to Lee Murray as he knows
the club fucked up and I'm sure things will be better the next time we play them. Time to move on and concentrate on rest o the season. Hope to see a healthy support at Forfar on Sat.

Re: Well done the board

Fifey I believe I did say that.

The Club are moving in the right direction.

Re: Well done the board

Agreed and we need to move with with the club and lose this critical attitude which has been a part of our fans history since, well, Clarkes time as I remember. If we continue with this investment and work by the club then things will improve greatly on the field I'm sure.

Re: Well done the board

Agreed and we need to move with with the club and lose this critical attitude which has been a part of our fans history since, well, Clarkes time as I remember. If we continue with this investment and work by the club then things will improve greatly on the field I'm sure.
Bob I am one of the ones that have been moaning and have had a few e mails to and fro with Lee.My main concern is that a quick buck should never take priority over the safety and comfort of EF fans.I appreciate all that Lee and the board have done in theses last few months but Saturday could have turned real nasty as there was not only Block sales to Rangers fans but I also felt the calibre of stewarding at the game was terrible.

Re: Well done the board

From what I'm told the block selling of tickets to Rangers fans had nothing to do with the issues in the sea end of the stand on Saturday. The Rangers fans in the sea end must have got their tickets from either EF season ticket holders, Trust members, SC members or players. None of the tickets for that side of the stand went on general sale. Whoever resold the tickets needs to have a real look at themselves!

Re: Well done the board

Bob Hunter
Agreed and we need to move with with the club and lose this critical attitude which has been a part of our fans history since, well, Clarkes time as I remember. If we continue with this investment and work by the club then things will improve greatly on the field I'm sure.
Bob I am one of the ones that have been moaning and have had a few e mails to and fro with Lee.My main concern is that a quick buck should never take priority over the safety and comfort of EF fans.I appreciate all that Lee and the board have done in theses last few months but Saturday could have turned real nasty as there was not only Block sales to Rangers fans but I also felt the calibre of stewarding at the game was terrible.

Hi Bob. I know you were critical. There is a difference between moaning and criticising. You were right to criticise, as the number of Gers fans in the home end was too much.

I was not specifically meaning the gers game, I was meaning "in general"

It just seems that every week, win lose or draw that some fans can never be happy. This is a new beginning, a change in fortunes that has come so unexpected and we must surely appreciate the cash thats going into the club. The moaners are angry for whats happening on the pitch, how do you think the people who are injecting the "big" money feel?? I think we should be less ready to jump in and criticise in this transition period and not expect too much too soon. I'm sure the powers that be have a long term plan but it's also up to us to help as much as we can. Some more will buy ST, some will come back and watch who haven't been for some time, more sponsorship from fans will come in from the fans who can afford it and the fans who can't dig deep will support just the same by going to the games and shouting the team on as well. We are all together in this and we all want the same. It's support we need and not just vocally but more in numbers. That's what lee and all of us I'm sure would love to see.

How difficult is that?? Very if you see that Hamilton Accies had barely a thousand a few weeks ago, and they are top of the championship.

I could go on but I'm sure you're all bored by now. ONWARDSANDUPWARDSMONTHEFIFE.

I know I will get the usual pelters from some that I'm mega positive follow like sheep, never moan but heyho!

Re: Well done the board

I give up!!!
From what I'm told the block selling of tickets to Rangers fans had nothing to do with the issues in the sea end of the stand on Saturday. The Rangers fans in the sea end must have got their tickets from either EF season ticket holders, Trust members, SC members or players. None of the tickets for that side of the stand went on general sale. Whoever resold the tickets needs to have a real look at themselves!

Aye, I was told the same by Lee Murray himself.
I chose to email him my thoughts and referred to the group at the front of block B.
There must have been 15 of them? Plus a few individuals dotted around.

Whichever individual has obtained these tickets must feel really proud!

Re: Well done the board

You will never stop Rangers fans infiltrating the home end, it has happened at every game they have played over the last two seasons but there is no point in having a go at the board when we ourselves have invited them in!

Re: Well done the board

:endo (cumbuslang fifer), you make a point of travelling from glasgow but i seen you in leven last thursday?? Stop the act and get a grip, quit the moaning too you never hear a peep out you face to face.. Keyboard gangster

Re: Well done the board

As far as I am concerned the board had nowt to do with selling tickets to away fans the board are doing a great job it is great to see good players wanting to play for us and the future is looking good well done Lee

Re: Well done the board

Statement re Rangers Match

The Board met tonight (Tues 29 Oct) to analyse our preparation for the recent match and review the actual events on the day so that we can identify ways of doing it better for similar future matches.

We are grateful to the many fans who gave us feedback either in person or through social media and our discussions covered issues such as ticketing arrangements, stewarding, hospitality and the many other topics that were raised.

We have agreed that a small working group from the board will look in detail at the issues and possible solutions and will also take soundings from other parties such as the police and the SPFL. The group will then report back to the full Board for final decisions.

This will take some time so it may be a few weeks before we can provide any details but rest assured we’ll make sure our supporters are informed as soon as the details are settled.