Rick, you are and have always been one of the true greats of the system. The system was better because you were a big part of it. For reasons I don't fully understand, I have had a very hard time learning that so many special people have gone to the big NAVFAC in the sky this year. For all that read this post, if we ever crossed paths know that I appreciate your service and sacrifices. So many good people have passed and I never really took the time to tell them they too made the system what it was and it was better because of them. If we didn't cross paths you still mean a great deal to me since it took a united effort to do what we did and do it well. The loss of Brule Rule's posts will be a huge loss and his insights have been some of the most profound. I am sure each of us has a list of heroes that we respected and learned from. People like Smokey are a legend in his own time. To each and everyone, stay safe, stay healthy, and remember you are someone special.